
Turnbulls Introduction to Cheese


The course is the perfect introduction to cheese or gift for a cheese lover.

Turnbulls Introduction to Cheese provides 150 minutes of online videos over 13 lessons with Masterclasses on seven classic cheeses

The course is the perfect introduction to cheese or gift for a cheese lover.

Turnbulls Introduction to Cheese provides 150 minutes of online videos over 13 lessons. The course introduces cheesemaking, how to taste cheese, how cheese are named and three families of cheese: Fresh Cheese, Ripened Cheese and Aged Cheese. These categories are demonstrated through masterclasses on seven classic cheeses:

  • Fresh goats curd
  • Brie de Meaux AOP
  • Epoisses AOP
  • Blue Stilton PDO
  • Cloth Wrapped Cheddar
  • Gouda aged a minimum of 12 months, (preferably 18 months or more)
  • Le Gruyere AOP

Charlie is a cheese trainer of longstanding, owned his own cheese shop for 15 years, is a Director of the Academy of Cheese and is a key author of much of the Academy’s unique materials.  There is no person more competent or enjoyable to train with. The course is on-demand videos and reading. The student can train at their own pace in their own time. There is an optional exam at the end, with successful students receiving their Turnbulls Introduction to Cheese Certificate.