Testimonial: I’ve learnt so much today

From MW, Deli Assistant, UK

Testimonial: Introduction to Cheese on Zoom

What they said….

I enjoyed all of it. I’m very good at eating cheese but to be honest I didn’t know much about the process of cheese making. I’ve learnt so much today.

How much did you enjoy the course?Fantastic
Was the course professional and well delivered?Extremely
How relevant to your job was this course?100%
How much will this course help you in your work?100%
What were your favourite bits?I enjoyed all of it. I’m very good at eating cheese but to be honest I didn’t know much about the process of cheese making. I’ve learnt so much today.
Which were you favourite cheeses?Brillat
Savarin, Stilton, Epoisses (though not the best that day due to the heat)

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